Get the job done right the first time without the frustration. You can improve productivity and increase maintenance times with a new portable hydraulic gear puller from IPP

Puller Models
Our hydraulic gear pullers are the preferred choice of professional maintenance departments around the world pulling frozen gears, bearings and couplings from shafts. Our pullers are designed to be used in motor repair shops, shipyards, railroads, paper mills, steel plants,

OTC Tools
We have teamed up with OTC Tools as a distributor and are happy to offer their complete line of products! We can now take care of you from the smallest jobs to the biggest by offering the complete line of OTC

Replacement Parts
Always stocked with parts you need! Industrial Pulley Puller has all of the replacements parts you need for your hydraulic puller. Proprietary castings, hydraulic cylinders and pumps, and pullers arms are in-stock for quick delivery to minimize downtime. We also stock